Hasil gambar untuk GAMBAR TULISAN BIOGRAFIBiography Text | Pengertian, Penjelasan dan Contoh Teks Biografi dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pengertian Biography Text

Biografi adalah kisah atau keterangan tentang kehidupan seseorang. Sebuah biografilebih kompleks daripada sekadar daftar riwayat hidup dan data-data pekerjaan seseorang, biografi juga bercerita tentang perasaan yang terlibat dalam mengalami kejadian-kejadian tersebut. Dalam biografi tersebut dijelaskan secara lengkap kehidupan seorang tokoh sejak kecil sampai tua, bahkan sampai meninggal dunia. Semua jasa, karya, dan segala hal yang dihasilkan atau dilakukan oleh seorang tokoh diperjelas juga. Teks biografi disusun oleh orang lain, bukan oleh diri sendiri.
Biography terdiri dari dua kata yaitu:
  • Bios yang artinya Hidup
  • Graphia yang artinya Tulisan.
Biography text is a detailed description or account of a person’s life and written by someone else, it is nonfiction text. (Teks Biografi adalah suatu teks yang menggambarkan detail dari riwayat hidup seseorang secara nyata dan ditulis oleh orang lain.)

Function of Biography

  • To know a person’s story about his/her life outside of any accomplishments this person may be known for.
    Untuk mengetahui kisah seseorang tentang kehidupannya di luar pencapaian apa pun, orang ini mungkin dikenal.
  • To give much information easily and educate the readers.
    Untuk memberikan banyak informasi dengan mudah dan mendidik para pembaca.

Characteristics of Biography

  • Biography is not written by subject and always written in the third person.
    Teks biografi tidak dibuat oleh orang yang sedang diceritakan riwayat hidupnya, tetapi diceritakan oleh oranglain dalam sudut pandang orang ketiga.
  • Based on research.
    Teks tersebut dibuat berdasarkan fakta pengalaman hidup suatu tokoh berisi mengenai kisah atau cerita suatu tokoh dalam mengarungi kehidupannya, entah itu berupa kelebihan, masalah atau kekurangan yang ditulis oleh orang lain sehingga patut menjadi teladan.
  • Describes the person’s surroundings (where, when and how the person lived).
    Menceritakan secara detail tentang informasi tokoh yang diceritakan yang meliputi W/H Question (What, Where, When, Why, How)
  • Use vivid language to narrate events.
    Penggunaan bahasa harus benar-benar jelas diaplikasikan dalam sebuah teks biografi. Denagn maksud menghindari kesalahan dalam informasi yang disajikan.

Generic Structure

  1. Orientation (Introduction)
    It is the opening paragraph, gives the readers the background information of the person.
    Biasanya berisi tentang biodata yang dinarasikan seperti nama lengkap, tempat dan tanggal lahir. Beberapa informasi umum juga dapat disajikan pada bagian ini sebagai pengenalan tokoh.
  2. Events
    In events, should be in chronological order.
    Tahap ini adalah bagian kejadian atau peristiwa yang dialami oleh tokoh. Berisi penjelasan suatu cerita baik itu berupa pemecahan masalah, proses berkarir, dan berbagai peristiwa yang pernah dialami oleh tokoh hingga mengantarkannya pada sebuah kesuksesan.  
  3. Re-Orientation (Closing)
    It consists of a conclusion or comment or the writer. Tell about the achievement or the contribution of the person.
    Pada penutup, bagian ini berisi tentang pandangan penulis kepada tokoh yang dikisahkan. Reorentasi ini bersifat pilihan yang berarti penulis bisa memberikan pandangan pribadinya tentang tokoh yang diceritakan atau penulis tidak memberikan pandangan pribadinya terhadap tokoh yang diceritakan adalah bukan perkara yang penting.

    Grammar and Language Features

    Simple Past Tense
    Simple Past Tense adalah menu utama dalam membuat Teks Biografi. Sebuah bentuk sederhana kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau. Menggunakan bentuk kata kerja kedua (verb 2).
  4. Harry Edward Styles was born in Redditch, Worcestershire on 1 February 1994.
  5. He is the son of Anne Cox (née Selley) and Desmond “Des” Styles, who worked in finance.
  6. Many of his ancestors were farm laborers in Norfolk.
  7. Styles was raised in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire after his parents moved there along with his older sister, Gemma, when he was a child.
  8. He attended Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School.

    Types of Biography

    • Short Biography (focuses only on highlights of a person’s life)
    • Long Biography (about life and times of someone in a lot more detail)
    • Contoh Biografi Bahasa Inggris

       Singkat Muhammad HattaBiografi Singkat Muhammad Hatta Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya

      Biografi Muhammad Hatta

      Mohammad Hatta or often called Bung Hatta was the first Vice President of Indonesia. Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukit tinggi, West Sumatera on August 12th, 1902. His father is Haji Mohammad Djamil and his mother is Siti Saleha. His father died when he was eight months old. Hatta married to Rahmi Hatta on November 18th, 1945. The couple had three children named Meutia Farida Hatta, Gemala Rabi’ah Hatta, and Halida Nuriah Hatta.
      Hatta started his education at a private school named Sekolah Melayu. Then he went to ELS (European Language School). He continued his school to MULO (Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs). Hatta began to show his interested in politics and national movement since he was sixteen years old. He joined Jong Sumatranen Bond and he was chosen as the treasurer.
      In 1919, Hatta went to Hogere Burgerschool (HBS) in Batavia (Jakarta). He finished his study with distinction in 1921 and he was allowed to continue his study to Rotterdam School of Commerce in Netherlands. He took economics as his major and got a doctorandus degree. He then continued to pursue his doctorate degree, but he didn’t finish his thesis because politics had taken over his life.
      In Netherlands Hatta joined the Indische Vereeniging. In 1922, Indische Vereeniging changed its named to Indonesische Vereeniging (Perhimpoenan Indonesia). Hatta was the treasurer from 1922-1925 and then he became the chairman from 1926-1930. Perhimpoenan Indonesia then changed from a student organization to political organization that demand for Indonesia’s Independence. It expressed its voice through a magazine called Indonesia Merdeka of which Hatta was the editor.
      Hatta attended congresses all over Europe to gain more support from other nations, he always as the chairman of Indonesia delegation. By the middle of 1927, Perhimpoenan Indonesia’s activites had alarmed the Dutch authorities. On June 1927, Dutch authorities put Hatta and four other Indonesian activists in jail. In 1929, Hatta and other Perhimpoenan Indonesia activists were released.

      Mohammad Hatta atau sering disebut Bung Hatta adalah Wakil Presiden pertamaIndonesia. Mohammad Hatta lahir di Bukittinggi, Sumatera Barat pada tanggal 12Agustus 1902. Ayahnya adalah Haji Mohammad Djamil dan ibunya adalah SitiSaleha. Ayahnya meninggal ketika ia berusia delapan bulan. Hatta menikahdengan Rahmi Hatta pada 18 November 1945. Pasangan itu beranak tiga bernamaMeutia Farida Hatta, Gemala Rabi’ah Hatta, dan Halida Nuriah Hatta.
      Hatta mulai pendidikan di sekolah swasta bernama Sekolah Melayu. Kemudian iapergi ke ELS (sekolah bahasa Eropa). Dia melanjutkan sekolah ke MULO (MeerUitgebreid Lager Onderwijs). Hatta mulai menunjukkan ia tertarik dalam politik dangerakannasional sejak ia berusia enam belas tahun. Beliau bergabung JongSumatranen Bond dan ia dipilih sebagai bendahara.
      Pada tahun 1919, Hatta pergi ke Hogere burger School (Minangkabau) di Batavia(Jakarta). Ia menyelesaikan studinya dengan pada tahun 1921 dan diadiperbolehkanuntuk melanjutkan studinya ke Rotterdam School of Commerce diBelanda. Dia mengambil ekonomi sebagai beliau dan mendapatkan gelarDoktorandus. Dia kemudian melanjutkan untuk mengejar gelar doktor, tapi dia tidakmenyelesaikan tesisnyakarena politik telah mengambil alih hidupnya.
      Di Belanda Hatta bergabung Indische Vereeniging. Pada tahun 1922, IndischeVereeniging berubah bernama Indonesische Vereeniging (PerhimpoenanIndonesia). Selama dari 1922-1925 dan kemudian menjabat sebagai Ketua dari1926-1930. Perhimpoenan Indonesia kemudian berubah dari organisasikemahasiswaan organisasi politik yang permintaan untuk kemerdekaan Indonesia.Itu dinyatakan suaranya melaluimajalah Indonesia Merdeka yang Hatta adalaheditor.
      Hatta menghadiri Kongres seluruh Eropa untuk mendapatkan lebih banyakdukungan dari bangsa-bangsa lain, ia selalu sebagai Ketua delegasi Indonesia.Pada pertengahan tahun 1927, kegiatan Perhimpoenan Indonesia telah khawatirpemerintah Belanda. Pada Juni 1927, pemerintah Belanda menempatkan Hattadan empat aktivis Indonesia lainnya di penjara. Pada tahun 1929, Hatta dan aktivisPerhimpoenan Indonesia lainnya yang dirilis.

      Abraham Lincoln
      Hasil gambar untuk foto de abraham lincoln
      Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in Kentucky (USA). He worked on the farm of his father. He attended school for less than a year, but taught himself to read and write. He did different types of jobs before he settled as a highly successful lawyer. He was gradually drawn to politics.

      The country was having problems regarding the practice of slavery. The white men owned large farms in the southern states, Blacks were brought from Africa to work on these farms, They were kept as slaves. The people of northern states were against this practice of slavery and wanted to abolish it, The Constitution of America is based on the equality of man. Therefore, there was no place for slavery in that country,

      At this difficult time, Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the USA in 1860. He wanted to solve the problem of slavery. The southern states were against the abolition of slavery. This brought the unity of the country in danger. The southern states were prepared even to form a new country. Abraham Lincoln wanted all the states to remain united.

      He faced many problems. He wanted to preserve the unity of the country at any cost. Finally a civil war broke out between the northern and southern states. He fought the war bravely and declared, 'A Nation cannot exist half free and half slave.' He won the war and kept the country united.

      Lincoln was elected president for a second term. He was not against anybody and wanted everybody to live in peace. He made sincere efforts to heal the people's wounds caused by the war. In 1862, Lincoln declared that from then onwards all slaves would be free. This made him very popular among the people. Lincoln was assassinated in 1865.

      Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in Kentucky (USA). He worked on the farm of his father. He attended school for less than a year, but taught himself to read and write. He did different types of jobs before he settled as a highly successful lawyer. He was gradually drawn to politics.

      The country was having problems regarding the practice of slavery. The white men owned large farms in the southern states, Blacks were brought from Africa to work on these farms, They were kept as slaves. The people of northern states were against this practice of slavery and wanted to abolish it, The Constitution of America is based on the equality of man. Therefore, there was no place for slavery in that country,
      At this difficult time, Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the USA in 1860. He wanted to solve the problem of slavery. The southern states were against the abolition of slavery. This brought the unity of the country in danger. The southern states were prepared even to form a new country. Abraham Lincoln wanted all the states to remain united.
      He faced many problems. He wanted to preserve the unity of the country at any cost. Finally a civil war broke out between the northern and southern states. He fought the war bravely and declared, 'A Nation cannot exist half free and half slave.' He won the war and kept the country united.

      Lincoln was elected president for a second term. He was not against anybody and wanted everybody to live in peace. He made sincere efforts to heal the people's wounds caused by the war. In 1862, Lincoln declared that from then onwards all slaves would be free. This made him very popular among the people. Lincoln was assassinated in 1865.

      Semoga pengertian dan lainnya beserta contoh Biografi di atas dapat membatu kalian merangkai kata dan membuat sebuah teks Bahasa Inggris dengan kalimat dan situasi kalian masing-masing. Tetap semangat belajar! Good Luck.
